Weird, very confusing game... I dont have what it takes to keep up with the story, maybe...

User Rating: 4.8 | .hack//G.U. vol. 1//Rebirth PS2
UPDATED REVIEW... This review has been changed from the old version that my friend wrote when he logged on to my account. Please disregard any opinions expressed in that old review.
.hack GU... what do I say about you.... That you are confusing, that you are seemingly pointless, and that I do not understand what you are about.

Now, I should point out that my friend is a .hack lover, so therefore I watched the seasons titled .hack//Sign and .hack//Legend of the Twighlight. So I do understand most of the story behind the whole series:

Short and sweet story explanation: Theres a Virtual reality video game that inserts the minds of children into their helmets and into the game. However, the programmers are idiots and they made a bunch of security holes in the game, and gave the game spirits that have minds of their own and are more intellegent than all mankind. In the game, there is a rare hack called a datadrain that corrupts data in the game and if it is used on a user can take the person who is controlling the user into a coma by sucking their spirit, or mind, or whatever you want to call it, into the video game completely.

Full story explanation: Ok, if the short one ended up being long, Id hate to see the full one.

Anyway, back to the game. First, I think the graphics are lousy. I mean, they are sort of better from past games, but the shading is really uncomfortable and weird and not the type of game I like to play. It is an ultra cartoony title after all (probably to give you the feeling youre watching the TV show), but the people who made this game didnt do a very good job.

Next, we got the storyline of the game. I would explain it to you, but I still dont get it. So I cant. And if the story is so bad that only the people who live on this anime crap can understand it, then it probably isnt very good, or very well written.

As far as replay value goes, it varies depending on who you are. For me, I didnt even beat the game. Not because it was too hard, but because I lost any hope that the game would get better from the point where I left off.

Last but not least, we have to decide what the game should be scored. Hmmmm... Well, looking at the crappy, hard to understand storyline, the weirdo, hyperactive, shaky graphics, and the fact that it is anime and i hate anime, Id say this game falls into the 4-5 range.

The only part of this game that I like is the robo-grunties. if you liked the robo grunties, i recommend you watch the .hack//Sign series, where you can see the regular grunties crash into walls and be stupid little things.