This game is seriously underrated by gamespot, plain amazing, alot of improvment from originals.
BAD: Spilt into 3 separate games, so thats abotu $150.00 for 1 game split into 3. Short game, only about 10 hours of game play ( story wise), and maybe 3 hours of cut scenes. Only 3 dungeons to explore.
Good: Real time battle system, great charecters, a story that makes u wanna tear off your limbs just waiting for vol2 & vol3. Very good voice acting. And the new arena battles, were u battle against other players, last btu not least, you can PKK, PKERS ( pkers= Play killer.
Improvments: This game has many improvments. such as, avatar battle system, steam bike, PKKing, having more than just one type of weapon to use, arena battles. the battle system is also upgraded, instead of havign to pause the game to use skills, you simply use the skill trigger and choose which skill, makign things alot quicker. Compaired to the old battle system G.U.'s is unbelievable, a blue barrier around you and your opponents keeps them from running away,if you want to escape tho, u can use an item (in the oriinals, monsters could just run away).
The cover gets a 7/10, its nice but not the best.