Quarantine wraps up the .Hack series fairly well, and i thank god for that.

User Rating: 6.5 | .hack//Quarantine Part 4 PS2
For my Video Review, go to, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m38F_VVYepw

.Hack Quarantine is the final .Hack game, until GU anyways, and it does a good job of wrapping up the story of the series.

.Hack//Quarantine of course, follows the story of Kite on his journey to discovery the mystery as to why people, including his good friend Orca, have gone into coma's, it again, is a been there done that formula, and its nothing you haven't seen before at this point.

The game play remains the same as similar installments, no new elements to distinguish itself from its predecessor, its the same old hack and slash affair.

Graphics and Sound remain the same, of course, there's not much that can really be said about it, other than that it still suffices for the game, and works well.

.Hack was never a bad series, it was merely executed poorly, better pacing and more additions to the gameplay would have helped make the games more enjoyable, with that said, .Hack//Quarantine wraps up the series fairly well, and it can finally be laid to rest, until GU...