Due to poor physics, collision detection and multiplayer, Nightfire is hard to love, even for a Bond fan.
To make it short and clear, I'm just going to sum up some positive aspects and some negative aspects, although the last kind is more frequent than the first one. The bad is obviously the poor physics and collision detection: you can shoot a foe right in the stomach, he won't even move an inch. If you shoot him 5 times in the stomach, he still won't move an inch. If you try to shoot him higher than the chest, he suddenly starts overacting and immediatly drops dead. Another unpleasant aspect of the physics is throwing grenades, come on people, let's be realistic about this, you CAN NOT throw grenades in slow motion. Apparantly, James can, but the fact that his grenade flies with a speed of 1 feet an hour is laughable, very laughable. Another major downfall is the multiplayer, which i could describe in the following three words " What the hell ?". I've never ever seen such a poorly executed multiplayer, with possibly the worst collision detection i've ever seen, it made me laugh and cry at the same moment.
Well, as positive aspect, i can tell you that the story is really good with some excellent cutscenes and the entire game has a James Bond- glow to it. But in the end, you'll buy a shooter to shoot and not for the story. As I am a Bond fan, i did enjoy this game, if it was only to get all the cutscenes, but i am sure that non-fans will dislike this game, so to all the would-be buyers of this game: just walk on when you see this lying in some retailer. Don't buy it !