The game surprises in several aspects. Solid gameplay, stunning graphics (for a PS2) and great sounds effects.
But then I saw it running on a TV store and got curious about it.
I gotta admit, I am addicted to this game so far.
It mix stealth portions, some gun blazing, the iconic soundtrack and an impressive good A.I.
Graphically speaking, the PS2 is already fully explored and there isn't any more juice to take from it. But yet, the game developers managed to make a solid game engine. It displays great light effects, great color variety, sometimes amazing textures and others times just passable. All very good tied together to deliver a great ending game on our beloved PS2.
The gameplay is what took me out of myself. I always wanted to play a game with a decent and smart cover system on my old PS2. I was tired of envying Gears of War cover system.
And this game present us with a very similar cover system. It works just fine to take out enemies and protect yourself against hot shooting moments.
Sometimes the enemies will try to flank you, but the ability to shoot blindly will help you to stop them. And when they're too close, blind shooting will take them down.
The story unfolds some retro moments, where you are located on scenarios from the first movie, but most of the time you'll be dealing with spoilers to whom haven't seen the movie yet (i'm included on this list).
The sound of bullets zapping around your head and the shells falling from your gun are amazing. It really helps to immerse you on the game atmosphere.
Well.. I don't want to be repetitive.. but.. To those who haven't got yet the new generation and still have to use old videogames, this game is definitely worthy of buying and playing through.
The replay value isn't good though. It seems that there aren't many ways to achieve the goals. So, once finished, it's all about playing one or two chapters that you liked most and resting this game on your shelf.