Don't listen to those f-ing reviewers

User Rating: 9.5 | 007: Quantum of Solace WII
Ok..... I admit this game may not have the best possible graphics and framerate, but their pretty darn good. IGN gave this game a 4.5. You shouldn't listen to them. Game reviewers have no lives whatsoever and rate games by their presentation, not their fun. This game is really good. IGN said that the framerates can go down to 2 frames per second. Sometimes the framerates drop just a bit, but barely enough to notice. They have great multiplayer and the graphics are good. It isn't perfect, but how many good fps games for the Wii are there? COD WAW is coming out, but the setting is same old, same old. I personally am getting tired of WW2 games. The conduit will be great; if your in to that kind of stuff. I don't like games where you run around like a maniac, killing all those aliens. It's just too linear. This game has stealth. You have to use the cover mechanics, which by the way, work perfect. You press A to get into cover and just walk back to get out. Than you use A in certain different positions to switch sides, dash, etc. The controls are hard to master with aiming and what not, but you get used to it. Multiplayer has 4 player split screen and 4 player online, U.S. version. Online has 4 modes. Conflict is just good ole' free for all deathmatch. Team conflict is team deathmatch. Rush is free-for-all where you do certain objectives and team rush is a team version of rush. That was onlne, I have not done splitscreen yet, so I don't know if that has more modes or not. I gave this game a 9.5. Don't listen to Wii reviewers; they're Dumb.