The single player is fun, but multiplayer shines. Sadly overlooked and underrated by critics.

User Rating: 8.5 | 007: Quantum of Solace X360
The Singleplayer game is fun, but not very challenging even on hard (you'll still enjoy playing it). Multiplayer is a mix between Gears of War and Call of Duty 4. If you like the latter, you will like this game. The levels are designed well and the guns are balanced and cool (save maybe 2 of them). Instead of perks like in Call of Duty 4 you earn money as you play and then can buy everything from guns and grenade types to perks and then you can set up custom loadouts.
I really think this game has been underrated by critics and players. It's not Goldeneye, but it's better than any bond game since (save maybe Everything or Nothing). Simply put it's Call of Duty 4 with a 3rd person cover system like Rainbow Six Vegas or Gears of war.
People have complained about the graphics and lack of blood. The graphics are good on Lo-Def or Hi-Def and I am not the type that needs a game to be blood-soaked to be fun. The lack of blood actually helps the slick feel of the game. And this game is slick, running from cover to cover and shooting when you have a good shot, instead of spraying at anything that moves.
If Call of Duty 5 and Gears of War 2 hadn't sucked up all hype this November, I think that this game would be more appreciated.
As always I suggest renting it first if you are anyway doubtful.