Here is my review for quantam of solace ps3

User Rating: 9 | 007: Quantum of Solace PS3
Here is my review for quantam of solace ps3. My name is Lachlan and my review for this game is awsome. This game has great graphics and that is what i look for in a game. The guns sound great. Even the ones that have a massive sound. The great thing is if you finish all the missios you can still do them again. Which is a great thing. The cover system is great so if you need cover use it. I would recomend this game to bond fans and they will love it as much I do. I cant wait tio see the movie. It looks great the trailer. It look so cool. cant wait. But get the game aswell as the movie. In the game you feel like you are the real james bond. And that is a great feeling.t's short, 5-10hours, it's still fun and has a lot of new features.For game that had to meet the movie deadline it dead a really good job. The killing looks really realistic. I am not shaw if there is blood but it dosent really matter. It is still a great game and this will be my fav for ever. Thanks for reading my review. and cya later. Thanks bye.