A good game but not great!

User Rating: 7 | 007: Quantum of Solace PS3
Well to start off i must say it's one of the better 007 games out there, but there should have been more gameplay options then they had. Such as being able to drive cars they have been in other 007 games but there was no driving at all in this game which was a small draw back. If this were not a game based on the movie it would never have been taken seriously, but this is a good game for being based on the movie!

Story...well if you have seen the last two james bond movies then you will know the story for the whole game there are some changes for the game but not enough.

Enemies...are pretty smart they will always try and find cover and try and flank you which is very nice for a challenge. But at times they will be stupid win doing stealth you can sneak right beside them and they won't even notice you, and you can also hide behind cover and they will walk right past you and not shoot you which will allow for you to do a stealth takedown. Which takes the fun of the game.

Gameplay...is nice the first person view is feels finshed, and so does third person which is a surprise for a game based on a movie. The gameplays is pretty much run and gun with cover mixed in with it. During certain parts of the game you will get stealth option which is nice but it never last long enough to get your fill of stealth. Hacking a computer is very nice it's a change of pase which will make you stay focused, and alert.

Online...is ok but i could never get into it. If they would have left this out and put more effort into singer player i would have enjoyed it alot more, but like all games coming out it has to have online. If i were you i would just stay away from this unless you really want platium.

so all in all if your a fan of shooters then this is for you, if your looking for the old style bond games this is not for you.

Story. 6/10
Gameplay. 6.5/10
A.i. 8.5/10
Online. 4/10
final score. 7/10
i hope this helps your choice!