A surprising turn for the better for movie based games.
The experience of single player and multi-player gameplay is just brilliant in terms of how the game is designed to be played. The game is based on the call of duty 4 engine and you can tell this very easily. But it plays a lot more like it has been mixed with Rainbow Six Vegas when it comes to the cover system that they have implemented (a good move by Treyarch). This cover system is very useful online and offline because it can give you a view of the combat situation even if you are hidden, this may be seen as too much of an advantage but it really isn't, even online the more intelligent player can just take you out with a grenade if your camping behind a wall becomes a nuisance to them.
The story itself is mixed with both of the new Bond films and they are both displayed within the game to a good extent even though most of it seems to be Casino Royale related in terms of missions. The game has four modes each of them progressing in difficulty but even the hardest mode 007 isn't too much of a challenge I personally completed the game in a day on this mode with only a few tricky levels to deal with. And missions don't feel too repetitive since on some levels you don't even have to engage the enemy to continue the story you can just avoid them by staying down using stealth and avoiding camera's etc. So overall the SP of the game is very well done and there is rarely a dull moment.
The multi-player I personally thought would be terrible but to my surprise it actually works well indeed it has the basic modes team death match etc. But there are also modes that implement bond as a playable character online for example bond evasion, a simple mode one team must get bond out (who is controlled by a random player) and the other team must eliminate him. But bond has an advantage he can see all enemy locations so the other team must compromise by watching their own backs at all times and staying in groups. This is one of several modes that I believed made this game fun a fresh along with the random designs of the maps which did have their little advantages at times.
The class system from CoD has also been put to use in the MP players can change their weapons of which their are plenty of and they can also handle their perks or in this game they are referred to as "Gadgets" a nice way to make it feel different even though extra health is still their but martyrdom is not anymore so it isn't entirely CoD but as bond in that sense. Players can edit all they wish but they must win and get kills to earn new weapons unlike CoD where you have to level up.
In conclusion QoS is a very well put together game worthy of more credit than it got. We can only hope Treyarch is in charge of the next bond installment because this is the finest bond game in many years.