Have certain good qualities but significant problems as well.
- Lots of action with intense moments
- Feels like am BOND
- Wide variety of destructible elements which can be used against enemies
- Good mixture of first person-third person view
- Cover up options
- OK type story with suspense
- AI is good
Cons are:
- Lack of gadgets using
- Used COD engine but gfx not so good
- Bad optimization. Plenty of bugs, glitches during the game
- Tons of AI which sometimes becomes monotonous
- Game play not so good. Rather making 1st person they could have made 3rd - person view always as they have made in PS2 version
- Short game
- No boss battles
- Controlling isn't good
So overall it's a good game. Have certain good qualities but significant problems as well.
My rating goes 7 out 10 for this game.
Worth playing. So if you have time don't forget to try this game :).