Not as good as goldeneye...the beginning of EA's cool looking but just "meh Okay" 007 titles.
User Rating: 7 | 007: The World Is Not Enough N64
This game is alright, the campaign is kind of fun and the missions are pretty fun. Your bullets no longer paint the bodies of your enemies red this time around but the graphics are better looking over all. The guns look and feel more real and they sound better but it's nothing like massacring russians in goldeneye. The multiplayer is cool but if you have to choose between this and goldeneye...get goldneye because it stays fun for years. TWINE is still kind of fun but I always find myself going back to goldeneye. This game is really fun at first but once you beat it and you get sick of the multiplayer you'll wish RARE just made this. The rest of the 007 games EA would develop would continue the mediocrity presented here. If you beat goldeneye and want something new this will quench your N64 007 thirst till you go back to goldeneye.