If you are expecting this to be another Goldeneye, then think again.

User Rating: 7 | The World is Not Enough (Platinum) PS
Fans of the Playstation haven't really had an amazing FPS game, sure they've had some fantastic games like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, and the Tony Hawk games. But in the FPS category, they are no match for Nintendo's goldeneye and Perfect Dark. The World is not enough is another FPS game that can be added to the dissapointing shooting games on the PS1, if you expected this game to be another Goldeneye, think again.

Ever since Goldeneye 007 for the N64,there hasn't really been a standout James Bond game. With Tommorow Never Dies being as bad as it was, you'd expect that EA games would've learny from their mistakes and made a much better game. Not as good as Goldeneye but a pretty decent FPS game. Well, they've made the game a first person shooter which is cool, but they haven't made the game that much better than Tommorow Never Dies. The game's campaign is very short and very repetive, and once again (like Tommorow Never Dies) the game doesn't have any kind of multiplayer. The game has no replay value so once you've beaten the campaign you'll probably not come back to this game. The game looks okay but they (the graphics) aren't good enough to bring you back to the game.

The World is not Enough is another attempt by EA to make a decent Bond game, unfortunatly it's the 2nd failure. If you own an N64 stick with Goldeneye and if you own a PS1 then just play MGS or the other fantastic games of that platform because this game isn't good enough to waste 50 bucks on.