One of the first football games I ever played and I must say that it was alot of fun. Although graphics wise it is nowhere close to being that great, the game itself had its positive attributes. Was originally an arcade game that made its way to the NES. Not many choices in plays that you can make but the way you run with the whole team "as one unit" was funny to watch. If your just looking for a little fun with no "big stats" or fancy moves then you might wanna pick up this Old School football game. When simple was enough.
This is without a doubt the most difficult, ill-conceived sports game ever produced. If Nintendo was to be judged for only one game and this was it, I can only think the death penalty would be considered. In 10-Yard ... Read Full Review
A long-time fan of Irem's "10-Yard Fight" from the arcade, I was eager to play it on the NES. I was simultaneously impressed and disappointed with the results. In the arcade, "10-Yard Fight" pitted the player against... Read Full Review