10 Yard Fight manages to suck you in, no matter how hard you fight.
The actual game itself has a simple goal, score a touchdown. A time limit is set and it is then up to the player to either run or pass in order to get to 1st down. Whenever a player gets a 1st down, 10 'minutes' is added to the time limit. This goes on until the player manages to score the touchdown. However, if the player fails to score a TD and runs out of time, the game ends and the player has to start all over again. The controls are simple and incredibly easy to grasp.
When it comes to varying difficulty, "10 Yard Fight" does a good job. The player must first beat a team at 'High School' level. If they manage to do that, they move on to 'College Level'. The pattern continues through to 'Professional' and 'Super' levels, making four levels in total. The game looks good graphically, and doesn't fall short on the sound. Surprisingly, the players look like actual people!
Overall, "10 Yard Fight" is a game worth picking up. You will soon be dragged into the game by its sheer simplicity and addictive gameplay. However, the game can get boring after a while, and has zero re-playability value.