The Worst Sports Game Ever

User Rating: 2.3 | 10-Yard Fight NES
This is without a doubt the most difficult, ill-conceived sports game ever produced. If Nintendo was to be judged for only one game and this was it, I can only think the death penalty would be considered.

In 10-Yard Fight, you are the quarterback of a team that is destine for defeat. The entire game is spent just attempting to make a touchdown. That's it. Sounds easy. Unfortunately, your teammates don't like you, or don't know what defense is, since they can never block correctly. If this wasn't enough, the opposing team has magnetic hands that can attract the ball and intercept it if is thrown anywhere near them. So, it's you against the entire opposing team. Good luck.

When I was younger and played this in a department store, I always thought that I was playing it wrong and there was some trick to it. Then I grew up and realized that the trick was getting someone to shell out the cash for it.