This game would get a lower score if it were not the first football game on the NES.
User Rating: 4 | 10-Yard Fight NES
Nostalgia! That's the main reason for me wanting to spend much time with this very old but not classic game. It's the first football game on the NES so I did not expect much. Even still I would have expected at least a couple of teams to choose from, and at least a couple of plays to choose from. You only have one option all the time. The game's so simplistic, and the NES was revolutionary at the time and capable of more, even very early on. The graphics were pretty poor and sound minimal. Still nostalgia alone made me consider giving a higher score, but I came to my senses. But I have the game nevertheless and played it for a few hours. I must really like playing anything old! Particularly since the game is so easy to beat. You control one man on defense, but have a very effective dive. Offense is pretty cheap if you just toss it to one of your two running backs. I can barely tell the small differences between each difficulty level too. Bottom line, if you're not a collector like me, then you should leave this one in the bargain bin and save your 50 cents.