100% Orange Juice is a card based game, similar to Mario Party but without the battles. Its a cute anime styled game with awesome music, but unfortunately the game itself is a wreck. There have been many posts on steam claiming that the A.I blatantly cheats, especially some of the harder story missions where it is nearly impossible to win, a fruitsbatfactory developer even posted a reply confirming that the AI does indeed cheat.
Personally, for a card based game where the player has to fight a cheating AI system, constantly re-play story missions over and over again, in the hopes of actually being 'allowed' to win, just isn't fun at all. Another problem with the game is that building a deck and collecting cards is totally useless, as the cards you unlock and add to your deck can be used against you! Because those cards get shuffled into the main game deck which you get to draw from when landing on a green square....doesn't that umm...defeat the purpose of collecting cards if you cannot specifically use them? /facepalm
In closing, if your the type to ragequit - avoid 100% Orange Juice at all costs, especially avoid Storymode since the game rapidly devolves from a fun and cute card game into a rage inducing heap of junk.