1080 back on track
Nintendo's GameCube snowboarding game gets a release date.
Nintendo's GameCube snowboarding game gets a release date.
Release dates for Mario Kart, 1080, and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles are revealed.
We check out an updated build of Nintendo's upcoming snowboarding game.
Nintendo's next 1080 snowboarding game for the GameCube will be on display at this year's E3.
Pac-Man and Mario & Luigi are among the games that will be at the European trade show.
We take a look at an updated build of Nintendo's upcoming snowboarding game.
Nintendo is showing off its upcoming GameCube snowboarding game at E3, so of course we took it for a spin.
Nintendo shows an early version of its upcoming snowboarding game for the GameCube.
We've got direct-feed movies of this exciting snowboarding game.
See the first screenshots from games such as Metroid Prime and Sonic Adventure 2 and new GameCube screens from Wave Race: Blue Storm, Pikmin, and Donkey Kong Racing, among others.
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