The graphics are OK but the game is so boring

User Rating: 5 | 15 Days PC
The reason I bought this game was because of nice screen-shots on Gamespot, but I regret my purchase. The game is so boring, the story line is not entertaining. The toolbar menu is so hard to navigate through. The voice acting of Cathryn, the main character, is nice, but Bernard and others sound so fake. The dialogues are too long that you always need to skip. When the characters want to talk to each other it takes a long time to start the conversation because they need to sit down or get in to a good position to talk. why? this is so silly and slows down the gameplay. The puzzles are also so childish and even when I did them wrong the puzzles were solved in 2 to 3 occasions, I guess there is a bug in the game. Especially for the London-eye frequency puzzle and the Mike's computer hack puzzle. I'm an adventure gamer for 15 years now but I was tricked by the trailer, their website and the screen-shots really. Totally thumbs down. The idea of the storyline is fine, but the way the game proceeds really annoys you.