This game turn out to be much better then I thought it would be!

User Rating: 8.2 | 1701 A.D. PC
I bought this with the idea that I would have another “city building” game with a little historical twist it, but not much else, but when I got it, I was very surprised at the amazing graphics and the attention to detail that Related Designs put into this game. The great graphics plus a ton of very good voiceovers, I really found myself getting into this game, much more then I thought I would. The game play is much like it’s forefathers like 1503 A.D. and 1602 A.D. and much of the other building games like this. This game may be compared more to Tropico, you land on a island funded by the Queen, and she expect you to take this island and make cities and grow crops and make tons of money. The problem is, there are others out there, doing the same thing, and wanting your hide and your land. In fact this is probably the only thing I really dislike about this game, is that I spend too much time trying to defend my land them what I really want to do, and that is build my cities and trade with others, or at lease that is why I bought the game. You can adjust the game a bit to better suite you. There are tons of things to do her, you have farming and mining like in most games, and you can raise animals to help you keep your people happy. This game doesn’t have the huge building levels that say CivCity:Rome has, where you need two or three other services to make things work, but it does do a pretty good job of allow you to help your city grow. This game has some great features, and a non menu way of operating the game, which work very well.