Save yourself some money. Don't buy it.
Graphics- 7/10- The only good point about the game. There is some really nice graphics.
Gameplay- 4/10- Works well in an arcade sense, but it was not ment for home consoles. It's no fun without a steering wheel, geer stick or a horn button in the middle of the steering wheel.
Sound- 5/10- Starts off with a trucker radio station, but that eventually fades away as your rival shouts insults at you, or as the cheif guys says something.
Value-2/10- It's boring. 2 bonus characters. woo-hoo and a whole *gasp* 2 bonus trailers.Trust me, you will be bored of the game before you unlock the guys.
18 wheeler is let down by absence of the Japanese guy with equal stats as a starting character. He is the best guy in the arcade version, but you have to unlock him here.
The arcade version costs £1 a go. 18 wheeler cost me £30. save yourself some money, play the actually fun arcade version.