Fun for a while
User Rating: 6.5 | 1942: Joint Strike X360
The levels are WAY to short. You'll go through one in less than 5 minutes. The bosses are where the real challenge is, and you'll figure out their scripted patterns easily. Just play it on the hardest setting right from the get-go, at least it'll provide you with some amount of challenge. The graphics look good, everything is 3D and animates nicely. The particle effects and explosions are nicely done, and not too over-the-top. Sound Effects are appropriate and don't stand out, but don't dissapoint. The achievements are do-able all within a day or two. Pretty fun overall but way to short. It's good for quick pick-up-and-play, it's nice not to play a game that requires lenghty tutorial sessions to teach you how to navigate it properly. My biggest complaint is that it takes too long to start playing again. When you die, you'll have to start over, and it exits out to the start screen and you have to select your profile, 1 player, your plane, difficulty level, and then it has to load the first level. ugh. It should just re-start at level one instead of the start-up screen. Very little replay value except if your a achievement junkie. It's not a bad game, it's pretty cool infact, but still hard to recommend for $10. Shoulda came with a Street Fighter 2 HD beta.