Best off road racing game ever made.

User Rating: 9.1 | 1nsane PC
Its the best off road racing game ever made. Insane gives you the freedom with the different game modes like capture the flag, return the flag, jamboree, off road race and many more. I play insane with 7 opponents on the difficulty insane which makes me insane but its fun and enjoyable. I also completed the championship about a dozen times. Its not easy the championship because it gets harder especially the trucks but its fun.

I used to play insane on-line but I don,t think that works anymore because they got rid of it. I still play the game today at some times even though its a bit old. I like alot of old games and also new games. The landscapes in insane are fun to play on. The hardest one I would say is Arizona because of all the mountains, Colorado is also hard. One game took me 2 hours to complete but it was in the landscape colarado.

Great mutiplayer is well how could I have forgot about that.