2 Xtreme was an all time great game when it first came out on the Playstation system. I remember when I first got that game and I would sit down with my friend and just play that game constantly. Back then that was so much to choose from. You could either mountain bike, inline skate, skateboard, or snowboard. Two player on that was by far the best, but don’t get me wrong, single player was also fun. The graphics back then were surprisingly well for what we had to play with. Once you got locked down for a few games of playing, I myself didn’t want to stop.
This was one of the few sports games that I really liked. Being a non sport liking person, I really had a lot of fun playing this game. You get to race with other playing using a skateboard, snowboard, roller blades or m... Read Full Review
Skate - board,roller blades,Bicycle you got it just grab your pad play for an Xtremely fun / competitive race with Friends this game rocks it's easy to play and it's fun and very very good when you have company it wi... Read Full Review