thanks ea for this awesome game:)
becz this game really rocks!!!!!
there are lots of improvement from the fifa 10 and they are really exciting so many countries to choose from 199 is quite a lot and its really amazing to see the results when u take a weak really weak team to world cup finals commentary is really good as gamespot said feels like they are sittin in the box and telling each and every action going on in the game live instead of that boring repetitive style in fifa 10.
the camera angles are awesome and the captain my country mode isjust like pro in fifa 10 in which u take control of the single player and play and the points giving this are much more realistic than the fifa 10 this game improves on game play,visuals and styles or u can say in every aspect from the fifa 10 even the music is awesome:):)
controls are so smooth that u will love u are playing there in real
in the captain ur country mode i picked the ea created player and i am impressed by it as u all know u can create ur own player also which will be quite a fun but i haven't tried it...scenario are really good and some of them are diff also but manageable.....
for the online part i played it and never had any sought of lag problem till now dont know what game spot is saying and finger cross hope will never have also
last but not the least this game really deserve a spot in ur game collection and if u are really a fan of fifa games u will be BLOWN AWAY BY THE GAME