Another step in the right direction, but still has some minor flaws.
*A lot of fun and more difficult than previous FIFA games
*Better customizable controls for your teammates
*Good graphics
*Good coverage of players, although I wish they would have gotten all the rosters correct or allowed for down-loadable characters that made teams and weren't put in the game (Robbie Finley for USA, etc.)
*Refs still seem to call very minor fouls on me, but I can still get fouled horribly with no foul at all
*Very difficult on Legendary (as it should be), but sometimes seems as if the computer is just impossible to score on
*Game controls could be a little better, sometimes the computer forces you to make horrible passing or control mistakes
I would definitely recommend this game for any FIFA soccer fan. I'm also looking forward to FIFA 2011. A few more improvements and the game could be a 9.5 or 10