24 hours of Bauers life could have been more fun than it is!
Brand new game goes into my Ps2 and the 24 music is all good and gives you the feeling of wanting to kick some terrorist butt. I play it through and sit with a feeling of having been dragged through some amazing stuff. But a second look at the game reveals the anoying framerate and countless hordes of stupid enemies. Also the so called physics serve no purpose but to slow the whole thing down even more. The cover system is cool ...... at first but is somewhat clumsy compared to the new games with cover system. The models are as good as I could hope for on a Ps2, and they do look a lot like the stars from the show. the minigames are not at all fun in my opinion. One thing to say about the content is that it is awsome that you can do all of these thing, like driving GTA style, knocking down terrorists at close range and alot more but technical issues with this game makes it only playable for the hardcore fans, who do not mind dying alot a times because of faulty gameplay. I think this game had a lot of potentiel but fails to deliver the complete experience that a 24 fan SHOULD have. We can only hope that in future there will come a new 24 game that is a little more like a real game and not some buggy TRY.
All in all: Do not buy this game if you think the graphics are good and the screenshot show cool action because then you will be disapointed. On the other if you are a 24 fan and just want to feel the clock ticking by till the next season, this is fun to check out as long as you dont expect much
this gives the game a rather disapointed 6/10 from a devoted fan of the show.