First of all..this review is going to be totally contradicting
User Rating: 7.9 | 24: The Game PS2
First of all..this review is going to be totally contradicting...because the game can show aspects of fun at times..but what they try to acheive can sometimes hinder it....OK......the game starts right in the heart of the action in a dock yard..I won't spoil it.....basically, 24 captures the tv series to a 'T'.The graphics are really good and the sounds are unbelieveable.It really does mimic the actual programme.Only problem is it's too easy.I can see how die-hard gamers can say this is a pile of rubbish but if you really like the series then you'll like the game...but not love it.It tries to play like every FPS out there..using walls for cover and tables and doing the Arnie "commando rolls"...but how else would they try to do it?...You can even shout "Federal agent-Get down"...Or "CTU"...but thats only enjoyable for a while....not once do you get stressed out or feel like you want to smash your joypad up (like a good game should)...but it's easy going...the pace is just right and the story line is amazing...really fits in...tells you everything that happened before the 3rd series,but after the Jack got to work with Kim got a job at CTU...O'Brien is there aswell as Dessler and get to use most of the characters in their own "real-time" event....all the voice acting is amazing and even the manerisms of Jack is spot-on......the game is good if you like to wander around aimlessly killing or "Arresting" terrorists as you jumpy moments...nothing that will stand out....the car scenes are really bland and far too easy...if a van door gets kicked open and someone starts shooting.....just back off and follow the yellow cursor.....there's no free-roam modes...not that you would want to anyway cos all you want to do is get to the next destination or way-point and follow the story.....because i would say it is on par with the t.v programes.....the split screen scenes can sometimes be fun...but can be annoying.....people say the camera mode is cr4p....and at first i agreed...a terrorist can be stood 2 feet infront of you..but if you are on a stairway then the camera focuses on your back and you have to fiddle with it to get the right angle...but you soon learn to over look that because it is rare that you have to rush to avoid being detected.....There are two ways to play 24...either running in a room guns blaring (Boring really)...or using the stealth mode.....get close enough to an enemy from behind at you can quietly use the "Takedown", break his neck or knock him out.....i think it's preferable to play this way as the first instance makes it even easier than it should be......the mini games are fun...but thats all they have to complete them to get to the next part...either difusing a bomb,hacking a hard drive or decrypting a message......I have to be honest i really like this's fun and i'm a dedicated 24er so i don't really bother to look in depth at the flaws and neither will you......this is as essential a plot as "Enter the Matrix" was to Matrix fans....It explains alot of what happened that is really essential to fans....i played it for 3 hours solid and completed 9 of the 50 something missions (that include the mini games) so it will be short lived....
None of this will help you decide to buy it or not....but this will...
If you love 24 tv series then buy it,rent it or will enjoy it i guarantee
If you don't like 24 tv series..then go play Black or MGS!
It's that simple really....