24 offers many fun minigames, but is over too quickly.

User Rating: 7 | 24: The Game PS2
I am of a huge fan of the television show, and was ecstatic to hear there was a game based of the show. Unfortunately, the game is over to quickly and not as good as I had anticipated. All in all though, this is a good game.
24: The Game takes place between seasons 2 and 3 of the show and explains many unanswered questions: such as how Chase came to CTU, how Kim came to CTU, and who attempted to assassinate President Palmer, etc.. I will not give away the plot of the story because it is very surprising and seems like the script for the television show. It includes all the main characters from the show, and many of them are playable. You can play as Jack Bauer (of course), Tony, Michelle, Kim, Chase, etc.. Each person has their own mission types and their skills vary in combat. Many missions will be straight-up killing missions as Jack or Tony and one mission puts you in the shoes of Kim as she sneaks around and must remain stealthy. The mission types are extremely varied but can be broken down into 3 categories: Killing, hacking, and driving. There are some missions where you must protect a person while they defuse a bomb, others where you disarm the bomb, and one where you must locate bombs using the satellite. Or using a satellite and heat sensors to locate snipers, that you must later take out. The missions are varied, but not all are very exciting or challenging. Some will take you 30 seconds, literally, and others are really hard to get past. Most of the frustration will come from the driving missions, that feel way to blocky, but the shooting bits can be just as frustrating with a spastic camera. The hacking missions are easy, and will never get frustrating. All you do is connect signals and retrieve data. The best missions are the interrogation missions because you must coax or scare people into giving you the information you need. You need to get their heart rate into the "sweet spot" until they eventually break.
The graphics in 24 are nothing special, but are pretty good. They are decent enough, but they could have been a lot better, especially the cutscenes. The sound is great, especially the voice acting. All the characters from the show gave their voices to make a truly authentic experience. The gunsounds and the rest all sound alright. One thing that makes this game feel unauthentic is the length. It only takes 6-7 hours to beat, including cutscenes, and all feels a little rushed. I didn't like how hours ended without cliffhangers, but it wasn't that annoying. Overall,
24: The Game is a fun experience that fans of the show, even if only for a rental.