If you are a big fan of the show like me, then you should play this game
As most of you know this game is supposed to be the bridge between seasons 2 and 3, which really works out since the channel A&E is airing the 2nd season every Monday and show 4 hours of the show in a row, and I can't get enough of it... As soon as the last episode airs, you know i will be going back to play the game and then get ready for season 3 once they air that.
I have read alot of reviews on this game, and have heard alot of mixed reviews about this game. Mostly comments about how short this game is, and that is fine, but when I was playing this game, I took my time just so I could make it last. I have even found myself going back and redoing the missions just to make sure i have completed it 100% (which i still haven't done just yet, but will do very shortly) Another complaint that i have also heard alot about are some glitches that occur from time to time in the cutscenes and the famous Madsen glitch (and happy to report my copy of the game didn't have this) I do feel bad for the gamers that have had these problems, but i can't say that i know what it's like since i really don't know due to my copy being alright.
Control seems to be a problem for most gamers on a 3rd person game like this, and one control would be the camera which I really didn't have too much of a problem with, but I won't call it perfect (It had it's moments)
And the flick of the right analog stcik for switching your targets, i found quite responsive, not all the time, let's just say that it worked more than it didn't work
This game is just like being part of the 24 experience, and is just as close as you could get to this game being like a season 2.5, which is good in my book. The music is a great part of this game, and really makes you feel the tension while playing some of these levels, I even found myself a little freaked out in some situations. AWESOME. One other part of the game that i can't forget is the split screen montages that happen during certain situations was the cherry on top of the cake, I don't think that it could have been dont better.
This would be a great candidate to do another kind of bridge in between other seasons as well, and i think that 24: THE the next day) should be a game that could be in the making, at least I think that it should be done.
So in conclusion, if you are a huge fan of the show like me, i would suggest you buy this game, for others that are not too big on the show, but love action games, then this would be a rent for those.
All in all this is an awesome game to at least be given a chance.