for a gangster wanna be and thats about it...
Game play is where it fails and one of the only thing it gets right, aiming is a chore rather then somthing that is easy you basicly have to go right into the guy to get a hit in and then you need to start praying you shoot him more times then he shoots you. Also it takes a lot of bullets to take a guy down it is very unrealistic and just is more frusturating then fun. 3 playable characters is nice though and being able to play a crminal and a cop its a nice twist if you think about it so that is a positive.
Graphics and sound are not as good as they should be. Graphics do mean nothing to a game its the gameplay but this game lacks and both you atleast want somthing that sorta pushes the hardware on a ps2, but this game seems to look rushed. The sound seem to be decent nothing jaw dropping but it gets the job done. A lot of swearing but that gets the atmospher of a criminal life or just life in general like the getaway and grand theft auto it does sorta bring a feel to it which is a plus.
The online play is what most people will want from this game its a step up from the single player but not a big step, customizing a character is a nice touch and you have a good amount of game modes, but at this moment there is a lot of lag on the servers and 16 people online is low for new online games that are 24 or 32. 16 players is just fine though if your not a big fan of a lot of people playing which i personaly enjoy smaller amounts of people rather then larger so it isnt bad at all.
Closing comments, this isn't a must buy it really isn't. This is for probably gangster wanna be's and thats probably the majority of people buying this game. "word" hahaha just kidding...