The singleplayer site of the game is not a big thing, but the multiplayer is GREAT, it´s all about FUN+great sound
If I watch the singleplayer it´s a good game, but not a big thing, but the multiplayer site is great. The soundtrack is great, if you like rap like me, than you will score the soundtrack with 100%, I think this is the best in-game soundtrack in my life, I like it very much. The graphic site of the game is not a Doom or FEAR but it´s good, when you throw a helium granate, you can see a beutiful effect. I will mainly score the multiplayer site of this game. If have a net connection at home 25 to life is one of the best choices for multiplayer games. If you don´t like rap, it´s just a good choice, but if you love rap, it´s the best choice