Another generic shooter that will have you laughing 25 to life.
Getting right into the game, the graphics are horribly dated. If you have played games like the original Syphon Filter, or Silent Hill, these are similar to what you will see in 25 To Life. Even things like blood are done badly in this game. Although the only good thing to the grahics are the fact that the lips are somewhat in sync with the incredibly horrible voice acting. Yes, even the voice acting is terrible. Sounds don't do any better than the graphics of this game. Gunshots sound like little pops, and explosions are extremely muted. Another bad part about the sound is the soundtrack. To be expected, the sound track is nothing but hard core rap. None of the music is anywhere near good, and if there was a soundtrack to this game, it would flop just as badly as this game has. Gameplay is another spot where this game takes a heavy blow. In a lot of ways, 25 To Life plays like Max Payne. You are given a view behind your character, and you will see the action unfold that way. You move around like a stiff cardboard cutout, and the controls are completely aqward.
Let me put it simple... This is one game to be avoided at all costs. This has to be one of the worst games I have ever played for any console or PC. Just avoid it like radioactive waste.