I grew up with the old school Zelda games in this style so i was excited about this game. The game-play is almost exactly like the NES Zelda except your sword was comically huge. This seemed like it was going to make the game really easy, but i found out its only like that when your at full health. This balances the sword quite well so no it doesn't make the game to easy if you were curious. You can upgrade the sword with length, width, strength, add beam, spin and piercing. I found that the swords were already long enough so i almost never upgraded that. Then the width had a similar issue, if your sword had spin there was almost no reason to bother with it. Since if you spun it made your sword twice as wide but some swords could not have spin so it did have a use. Then the beam upgrade sounded really cool so i got that and well was a little disappointed. It shot what looked like a boomerang that was about 13 my swords width. (the default width) Then its range was slightly more than my sword so it was almost useless, almost. The piercing well im not entirely sure what it did. i thought it was for armored enemy's but i fought 1 with it and i saw no difference. The strength was what I upgraded the most because its was the most useful stat. The only bad thing about the upgrades is it seemed to only affect the sword when you were at full health. Along with upgrading you can find other swords. I only used 4 swords the whole game and theirs about 20 swords. The first swords were better than every sword i found. Once i found a better sword i never had to go back even without upgrading it. (I found this odd) The dungeons were a lot bigger and more complicated than i was expecting. The boss battles were also quite surprising, they were actually hard. I was excited by the thought of having a boss battle i might die on a few times. Unfortunately this did not last :( . This is how the boss fights went from start to finish. #1: hard #2: hard #3: hard #4: hard but in an annoying way #5: easy but way to long #6: really easy I mean he did not hit me once #7: really easy and annoying #7: easy but hurt a lot.(not counting the boss clones) Im no expert but i would expect that to be the other way around. What really annoyed me about this game was how often i had no idea what to do next. I would beat a temple then need to find the sage and have no clue were he was. This happened 2-3 times, I don't usually need to look online but i wasn't patient enough to spent an hour looking everywhere. The thing that made me really dislike the game was 1 spot. Its a dark room with 2 stairs, 1 coming in and 1 going out. Behind the stairs coming down is a doorway that you can't see unless your looking for it. Normally you could see that on your map but the stair symbol was covering it up and the dungeon map was beyond that spot. So unless you accidentally run into it or look online you probably won't find it. Therese plenty of side quests to keep you occupied for a while but i didn't enjoy the game enough to care. The trophy's are like that too, out of the 51 you can get about 25 of them are secret trophy's. So you basically can only hope you get them. This seems like a torture tactic for video games. My biggest misconception about this game was i thought it was going to be funny. The beginning was somewhat funny with a few funny parts throughout it but no were near what i was expecting. Most of it was as dry as the surface of the moon but not that funny. The commercials made the game look funny but i think that was an accident. I thought no one could mess up a game like this but i think they only made it like this because they were just that cheap. Fortunately the game was only $40 because its not worth $70.
We as gamers have all grown accustomed to everything three-dimensional. But many of us have not forgotten where it all started----in two-dimensions rather than three. It's become a dying breed despite the stalwart eff... Read Full Review
Great role-play adventure games need game-play, music, graphics and a good storyline. 3D Dot Game Heroes could use a more original storyline, but it otherwise just great! I love the way the gameplay is a tribute to th... Read Full Review