where to start with this, well first off it cost £20 which is far to much for what you get, there are a total of 8 wrestlers all with riduculous rip off names like andy organ as randy orton etc, and the moveset is pretty decent but i have the feeling they just copied these from the smackdown series, there are a handful of match types, which are all pretty similar, there is no cage, ladder weapons or even tag matches. No online play no create a wrestler no story no commentary no crowd and only 4 arenas, and they're really odd like assault and battery arena. I read that what it lacks in content it makes up for in gameplay, i read it's like the pro evo of wrestling games, it coudn't be more wrong, its like a really poor version of showdown legends of wrestling, yes a poor version of that game hard to believe, i dont think i have ever played a game as buggy as this, your wrestler often does moves on an invisible player or you do a regular move and your opponent suddenly pops out of the ring, theres often times when the wrestler gets stuck inside the ring, i mean the game is a complete joke, in last man standing matches the referee sometimes continues to count when your wrestler has gotten up, wrestlers also freeze at random points and the AI is horrible seemingly reversing at all the important moments, high flyers like harvey dee will often climb to the turnbuckle just to sit there and wait for you to knock them down. So apart from exhibition mode there is a challenge mode and on the plus side there is plenty of them to do, but because the gameplay is so bad they aren't enjoyable and you soon realise some challenges are near on impossible to do. Overal this game is just awful it makes wcw mayhem look like john cena.