50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is a game which surprised me from beginning till end.
I bought the game for 39.99 € and I got to say that I am happy with it. Its not a long game, but its one of the games I played more then once. And that pile is not so big.
No need to say that it was surprisingly good. Okay, you need to play 50 cent and yes, you seem to be as strong as an horse. You even look like rambo in some cutscenes and you can curse anybody out thats on the floor. You are 50 but the over the top game style makes you also feel like you are 50. When you die a couple of times, always killed by the same enemy you can start cursing him out, which is a very cool option. Through Cell Phones that are planted over the game levels you can buy new "taunts". Its also the place to buy new weapons or ammo. You can find money in the many big boxes all over the game level which you can crack open by pushing a button while next to it.
The controls are very arcade like and the gameplay feels like an old nintendo game from back in the years and thats a good thing. Cracking open boxes to finding rewards made me feel if I was playing mario for some reason; Its al so easy and arcade like which makes the game really fun to play.
The game has a story mode which can be ended within 10 hours, maybe less if you rush true the levels, but there are also somethings you can look for in each level which will increase the duration of completing a level. You can look for posters that are all over the level and bull's eyes which you can shoot. You get rewards at the end of the level for finding them all.
I searched for them in the beginning, but fastly I was not looking for them anymore cause of the over the top style of the game. The game is made for playing rambo and shooting all muthaf*ck*s to the floor. The looking for posters and bull's eye things made it slow down, and not in a good way.
The graphics are truly amazing and stunning. 50 looks so good that you cant imagine its allready an "older" game. The level design is linear, which means that there is no open world like for instance in gta4 or saints row 2. Old Medal of Honour style is the key for this game. The only difference is that you are now playing in third person, in which way you can always take a good look of 50. I am not a fan, his character looks just that good. Other characters are also very nice to look at, but 50 still seems to have more detail in his face and body. The surroundings look good and the variety is big.
You start the game as 50. You have just performed for a big crowd and now you want your money. There seems to be a problem and 50 gets a skull head of diamonds. This skull gets stolen and 50 needs his skull back.
This is actually the reason why you go onto a pad of murdering everybody.
50 needs his skull back.
This is why the game is so good. You look like 50 and have the attitude of Rambo. This is a good thing for me personally.
The only "downside" is that you cant play in america. But that may be different for you. I just want to play with 50 in his surroundings, and I placed him more as a drug dealer. But I guess 50 needs his skull back so we are going to do that. The country you are at is Africa, but I am not sure at all, its not America, thats what I know for sure. In this country seems to be a little war going on, and 50 is right in it, Heck, he is the reason why there is a little war! You will find yourself walking on foot, driving his big hummer with a gun placed onto it which your partner can handle.
Yes you read it right, you have a partner.
You can choose from the 4 other G-Unit members as your partner in crime. You can choose between the computer as a.i. or you can search online for a friend.
You can not play with two persons sitting at your home. Only network.
Thats another little downside of the game, but that maybe different for you.
Overall, the game looks great, sounds great since it are the real voices of all g unit members and 50 himself. They seem to give another dimension to the characters. Dont be amazed if you hear them say **** alot. But that is who 50 and his g unit crew NEED to be, so its a GOOD thing.
I as a not fan of 50 cent enjoyed this game alot. From beginning till end where you can fly as gunner on a helicopter (!!!!) this game has been fun to me. The story itself is nicely put togheter with amazing cutscenes which look so good you wouldnt matter watching them again. The ending rocks and is once again real 50-ish but only for that reason its also very good! The option of unlocking new 50 cent songs is great for the fans; There are many songs to be unlocked, and some of his music videos. But I dont care about that cr*p ,so back to the game. The shooting in the game is also worked out good enough to keep you playing and playing, you have a nice covering option which enables you to hide behind every thing you can see on your way. You have a lot of control over 50.
What the heck, you ARE 50. Whether you like him or not, you will have a blast playing this game. Whether you are laughing with him or at him, it will be fun.