Do not dismiss this game as some dumb thugploitation. Play it!

User Rating: 8 | 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand X360
I am not a fan of 50 Cent, or rap music in general, but you don't have to be to love this game. It is an outrageously fun hybrid of Gears of War and Army of Two and is honestly the best co-op experience I've had yet. If your into 50's music, then be ready for an amazingly good soundtrack; it even gives you the option to edit out any tracks that you don't like. Don't like hearing rap music in the background? Then just turn it off and let the smooth and non-obtrusive hip hop beats suck you in.

The graphics are very good, as Fiddy looks awesome, but the levels do look somewhat samey. The two or three driving levels are fun and do a great job of breaking up the monotony; especially when the fact that the enemies all look the same starts to irritate you. The vulgar speech and Fiddy's verbal exchanges with the other G-Unit members are sometimes funny; this game knows exactly what it is and in no way takes itself too seriously. There is one particular cutscene where Fiddy randomly states, "I do all my banking online" that had me in stitches. The end boss is hilarious and well worth playing through the game just to hear everything he says to taunt Fiddy.

As vulgar as this game is I must say that I am at a total loss when it comes to the unlockable music videos because for some strange reason they are all censored, which just makes them really out of place with the rest of the game. This minor annoyance aside though, I would recommend grabbing a buddy online and playing through this title co-op. You will both have a blast, especially on the helicopter level, where you both get to man 50 caliber turrents and blow the **** out of everything on the ground. I recommend using DJ Whoo Kid as the second player; he is even more hilarious than Fiddy. This is definitely a must-play.