After the disappointment that was Bulletproof 50 Cent decides to release a second game.
First I want to start by saying that this game has nothing to do with the first. It's a completely fresh start and you don't need to play the first game to play this one then again who plays a 50 cent game for the story. The game starts you off at a concert and the person that hired you to perform doesn't have the money he promised for your services so instead he offers you a diamond incrusted skull which on your way out of the concert gets stole so you're now after the person who stole your skull and you want it back.
The game mechanics are much better from the first game there's a cover system and there's also a kills meter very similar to The Club game made by Sega. When you ranked up kills you're reward with extra explosives and rage meter that lets you go on a rampage on your enemies in slow motion. I've had a lot of fun playing this game. The levels are layout in a way that most of your enemies are gather around explosive barrels which is always fun to see them fly off.
The graphics are also pretty good for a 50 cent game. I mean how can it not look good when it's using the UE3. The environments also look great; I've had moments that I just wanted to stop, look around, and admire the scenery like I did when I play games like Gears of War and Uncharted. I never thought I would be doing this in a 50 Cent game.
The game also has online Co op which allows you to play with friends which is great. This gives you a chance to have fun with someone other than your AI partner. I would recommend this game to anybody that's a fan of shooters and blowing up stuff. If you're a fan of games like Uncharted, Gears of War, and Army of Two than you'll definitely want to check it this game. If you're a fan of 50 you'll definitely going to like the game regardless.