Who would have guessed it
So let's begin...
Story...Well, you are not flying off to fight some darth vader look-a-like troopers on their homeplanet, you can count on that. Instead, fiddy is giving a 10 million dollar concert on somepart-somewhere on the middle east, and things go sour when the tour promoter doesn't have the 10 million to pay 50. The promoter then brings up this diamond encrusted skull to make up for it, but when bouncing off to the airport, fiddy gets jacked by the bad guys of the game, which brings the best line to summirze the plot **** got my skull". If 50 came up with this storyline, may God have mercy on his soul. But then again, this game ain't taking itself so seriously (who gives a concert wearing live grenades as bling-bling??). It's your typical 80's action movie flick story, translated to videogame land. You might say it's stupid, but then again, some company decides to pay 50cents millions of dollars to use his image to sell colored vitamin water??? what the hell is colored vitamin water in the first place?? ain't that Kool-Aid? and who the heck buys colored vitamin water? therefore, stupidity is roaming wild on our society, and you shouldn't pay that much atttention to the story.
Graphics...they are ok. Not bad at all. Everything seems in place. Sometimes when you are taking A LOT of fire and you decide to fist fight with someone, and the opponent blocks the finishing, then you might see or experience some clipping...but that's a really big MIGHT. I have only seen it once, in a whole bunch of play thrus. Fiddy and the G-unit gang look well rendered...of course 50 looks like a power wrestler, but well done. Zero complaints.
Sound...totally cool. Machine guns, magnums, aka47, uzi, grenades, rpgs, explosions, and soundtrack all sound GREAT. The soundtrack is great but only slight complaint...you really gotta pumped it up to listen to it. And not enough tracks...but pretty good either way. If you are a fan of 50 you really are gonna enjoy this. I enjoy fiddy but not g-unit. The g-unit crap is killing 50...that's my take on it.
Gameplay...yes, great gameplay. I works really nice...i dunno what they mean by sticky cover system, cuz it works wonders for me. You also pack something called "gangsta time" to slow down your enemies, and you can spray em with lead. If you get up close and personal with an enemy, you can perform a finishing move, which involves fists, suplexes, spine busters, knifes and a whole bunch of other stuff. It's a button-timed sequence, that can be blocked. So you gotta time it, just right. I really enjoyed playing this game. It's FUN and easy to use and shoot. Totally user friendly and believe me, YOU WILL HAVE FUN. Just press R3 and when you hear "blast in the mutha@#%ing hole" or "take that you ****es", yes you will have a guilty smile all over your face.
Online...here's where this game simply stunk badder than the funk. The online mode of Co-op is a total bust. First of, I thought you could play the game CO-OP from the get-go. Like Contra or something. Found out i had to go online. Ok, so i went online, and when i got there...it's just confusing. I pick someone to play with, but that person is somehow always dead or about to die, and i cannot play with that user...and uuurgghhh. BAD, bad, crap. And on top of that, no deathmatch or multiplayer functions, that on this game, they would have been amazing. Thus, this is the games weakest dept. I don't like Online gaming in the first place, but i believe this could be better.
In the end, this game is a total HIT. Yes, it's a 50cents game, but the action and shooting is totally FUN. Reminds me of the 8-bit era of gaming. If you simply look past the 50cents image, you WILL ENJOY THIS GAME. Please, don't think this game is a third-person shooter-revolutionary type of game, becuz it's not, but it's a simple enjoyable run and shoot game, which you will enjoy busting a couple of hours of your time. But don't count so much on the online part, becuz it's really awful.
If your a fan is a Win-Win and a must buy. If you are not, you can either Buy it or rent it, you will have fun either way. 50cents BOTS is 100 times better than bulletproof...that's for sure.