Great...if you LOVE 50 cent's music and a clunky control scheme. Otherwise, avoid.
High Points: AI. The enemies are surprisingly smart. Too bad you spend too much time looking for them than shooting them due to the crappy aiming system. Good AI is wasted here. The music could be good or bad, depending on how much you dig 50 cent's tunes. You better REALLy dig them, because you'll will here them ALOT. Next, the melee moves are brutal, but some are pretty sweet looking. Too bad nobody really buys that 50 could ecer excute them in reality. Also, the cameo's from Enimem, Dr. Dre, and G-Unit fit the game well.
Low Points: Frustrating camera, questionable hit detection, complicated controls, and the crappy stamina bar (which only allows you to use one melee kill every so often. Which means, if your in close to several foes, you are stick trying to aim at them with the slow rotatting camera while they unload on your back. Not fun) are all major pains. Also, the game takes itself WAY too serious, and that makes it lame.
Conclusion: Not a very good game. A bad one in fact. If you really love 50 cent however, nothing I say will change your mind, I just hope that you will RENT it first before buying. Then, if you truly love it, buy it and enjoy it. Just Don't buy it simply because of its 50 cent. Please!
The Scope: Bad only if EXTREMELY interested.