Immediately boring, pointless, unsatisfying gameplay.

User Rating: 2.6 | 50 Cent: Bulletproof G Unit Edition PSP
I never played the PS2/XBOX version of 50 Cent: Bulletproof, but I know that the console versions were third-person, and apparently weren't that great. The PSP game changes to a top-down style, and it's not that great, either.
The cinematics are taken from the console games, so they're fun to watch, even though the plot is fast-moving, weird and very confusing. The game has some music videos to watch, which is cool, but you don't need to buy a useless game to watch some music videos of 50 Cent, assuming you even like 50 Cent.
The gamplay is, right from the beginning, terrible. The player runs around, presses a button to automatically aim at enemies, and presses a button to shoot and easily kill them. The player is always alone, and the enemies act exactly the same in that they run towards the player from off-screen and attack him with whatever weapons they posess on the 2D, top-down plane.
For the entire game, the gameplay is pretty much the same. Walk around, kill nameless, generic, identical enemies with a variety of weapons and some useless execution moves, kick their dead bodies for money which can be spent on weapons and cheats, then... Well, the end.
I thought the movies were cool, and I wanted to see more, but the game's just too damn boring to play through in order to see them.
The sound effects are basic. Characters don't talk with actual dialogue outside of the movies (except for their "Hello!" sounds), so they instead have big text boxes with a weird font.
The graphics are good. Explosions look nice and all that.
The camera is WAY too close to the player, so it's hard to see much of anything.
For some reason, you have to unlock background music by finding it or buying it. Kind of weird.
I don't really know what to say about this game besides it being an enormous waste of money on a PSP game if ever there was one. The game has terrible gameplay right from the very beginning and I couldn't push myself to play it beyond a little into the beginning of the second level where the player calmly walks up to some FBI estate, and is suddenly attacked by wave after wave of identical, weak enemies for no reason.
There's no satisfaction to beating anything. Even the cool cutscenes aren't enough of an incentive. You beat a level, and then you think, "Did I really need to do that?" Just stay away from this.