50 Cent Bulletproof: Well, only if you rank bulletproof-ness using small kittens... I review the game below: suck
In terms of visuals, the game is not that bad--so long as you only look at the likeness of 50 Cent himself. The developers spent extra time on his image, while seemingly forgetting that there even was any other thing in the game to texture. The result? Well, lets just say that while "50 Cent" looks good, his comrads, "quarter-dollar" and "Penny-earned" look...well, have you ever blown your nose then looked at it?
I killed generic police officer # 1 and 2 at least 32 times before I decided I'd get the same satisfaction out of lighting my foot on fire and humming the Canadian national anthem. Actually, I was surprised at how therapeutically calming searing flames at the legs and socialistic battle cries could be in light of my gaming experience. However, noone could describe the shock and excitement I had during the sudden addition of gereric gangsters # 1, 2 and 3 to the game's enemy roster. I still lose sleep over the incident...
After I killed generic gangster #2 for the 60th time, I decided to stop playing and just assume that I've done everything new that needed to be done.
HeadshotJackal's Rating: I gave this game 1/1 Paris Hilton flying a hot air balloon, which, if you know anything about hot air balloon safety, nobody would ever allow...
Important News Update: The game, "50 Cent: Bulletproof" has sold 1 million copies!...in unrelated news, artist 50 Cent has been arrested at his house. There, police found several pounds of marijuanna, a small arms stock, as well as 800,000 copies of his own game, "50 Cent: Bulletproof"...