BEST GAME EVER !!!!!!! for 2005 n 2006 n maby more
iv read the tester's review n i saw it on video 2 n they said the aiming is ****
the graphics is ok but the aiming is apoling n i was kido turned of buing it but i thought ill by it any way n itz a good thing i did coz the review that they wrote was BOLLOX thatz rit BOLLOX the aiming is fantastic unless you r blind n need the auto aim wich is not available BUT this gives the game sumthing that the other games dnt av more LIFE coz if you gota aim at them aswell as chase them then itz better it makes you fell more invilved coz with auto aim all you gota do is look at the guy press a button n BAM your dead but thatz borring were as in 50Cent bulllet proof you have to aim n keep track of the enemy yourself .