way to suck guys....this is suck at its greatest...way to half ass it guys! o well dont buy it unless you like bad games

User Rating: 1 | 50 Cent: Bulletproof PS2
yeah dont buy this game its suckage at its finest...and plus all grand theft auto clones 95% of the time suck.....but this is the worst one...it will defintely be rememered as the worst game of 2005. if not the worst game of the PS2 and X-box up next to cat woman o well dont buy it and you will be know as a normal person that plays good games....please never make a sequel to this game o and 50 cent is bad anyways same with rap so there! the game is so broken its even hard to shoot at stuff and move.

buy the game this is trying to be! GRAND THEFT AUTO!!!!
because it is the only good grand theft auto clone....wonder why o yeah it is grand theft auto