50cent bulletproof its ok but if 50 worked on it a lil more it could of bin GREAT! But seems 50 just wanted 2 just get the game over with thats y it got a 4.8 If it was up 2 me ill give it a 6.The graphics r just like the gta games game play wise..........SUCKED.It has some funny moments u got 2 admit 50cent does have HUGE lips in the game u can hardly see them moveing! Eminem looks great in the game.Its tons of fun when you get 2 shoot the G-UNIT crew in the neck they just say watch it etc.Other wise the game is great.But 50 you coud of put some work in your game thats y im giving it a 6 out of 10
This one is definetly for die hard 50 Cent fans and people that can't tell a bad game from their left elbow only. It's 90% music videos and special features and 10% dismally bad game. And when I say dismal, I mean unplay... Read Full Review
By darthmaulian | Review Date: Apr 15, 2006 | XBOX
I am sorry, but if you think this game is good in any way, you have got to be a 50Cent fanboy, or a wannabe "gangsta". This game is absolutely horrible. The storyline, what little there is to be had, is childish and sket... Read Full Review