A mixed bag without anything special.
This game costs five bucks and while I don't feel like I've been ripped off, I don't feel this game is anything special.
There are alleged to be 50 games but in reality, there's a few games that are simply variations of the same game and there's quite a few that once you play them, you'll likely never go back to them.
As an example, there's one game called 8 Queens. You have to play 8 queens on a chessboard so that none of them can capture another queen. A neat puzzle but once you figure it out, that's it, you're probably never going to play it again.
And some games, only have so many levels to them - for example, the puzzle game Matchsticks, where you make designs with match sticks, only has 10 levels.
The presentation of most games is borderline acceptable - there's nothing horrible in the presentation but everything here would look at home on a Gameboy Advance.
I think you have to go into this game thinking, I'm not getting 50 games, I'm getting a few that I'll enjoy playing.
For me, it's nice to play games like Farkle, Peg Solitaire, Klondike, Five Field Kono and a few others, but not many others.
Most games don't let you adjust settings, there's no high scores and the best the game can manage is to put a gold star beside games you've played more than five times or something like that (a clear sign methinks from the developers that they knew you wouldn't be going back to many of these games after one try).
The problem with the 3DS and the eShop is that there's not many games, the ones that are there are expensive for the most part but for five bucks, here's a change to get a few average games.
It's kind of sad that Nintendo lets stuff like this make it to the eShop and the fact they did, sort of makes me lose a little of the love I have for them as a company.