SEGA has out done themselves this time.This is a really nice 6 pack game put into one great game - for SEGA. Even if your a fan of all six of these great games or not, you will like this SEGA game. How can you not like old school games. OK I'm no help, I guess since I lived during these great games, unlike over half the people I work with, who don't know any of these game names. "The best thing about high school girls is that I get older and they stay the same age. Alright Alright". Sure the old style graphics aren't the best, but the old school fun is still there. Sonic? are you kidding me?? I have all of them anyway, but for people who don't have them, this is one of the best games made for the SEGA system. Mario anyone? All of these games are great. Some I've even played in the arcade when I was a kid.
As I begin this review it is important to note that I intend to talk about the cart itself and not each individual game. Indeed, each game on it's own deserves an indendent review. I will say that not all of the games ... Read Full Review
Gameplay: Originally released as an included cart if you bought a Genesis near the end of the systems' life cycle in 1995 and 1996, 6-Pak contains 6 Genesis games that are considered great classics. The games are Soni... Read Full Review