Very poorly made. Sloppy controls, cheap voiceovers, mediocre graphics.
The first thing I noticed when I played this is that the controls felt extremely uncomfortable. I can't describe exactly what it feels like, all I can say is I didn't like it. When you sidestep (strafe), the character takes one tiny step, and you have to wait about 2-3 seconds before you can start moving again. The camera is too close to the player, even when you zoom it all the way out. Which makes it a pain to look around sometimes.
In the 20 minutes I played, I encountered at least 3 bad bugs in the game. Towards the beginning, you have a small mission where you have to sneak past customs to get into a town. Well I got caught and it gave me about 10 seconds to choose whether to bribe the customs officer or agree to go to jail. I chose to bribe him, but I did it right while the screen was fading out. So I went to jail AND paid the bribe, which caused me to lose all my money, and still get penalized. Another thing was that I got stuck between some boxes. I couldn't get out and I had to reload my game.
Now let's talk about the voice overs. In short, they sound like they were done on a home computer with a cheap little plastic microphone. The acting was obviously low budget, and they even went as far as making several people say the same things in the same voices. There was a part at the very beginning where 2 women were standing side by side.. both of them said the exact same sentence -- they wanted to buy my scarf to use in their bird cage.
The music also sounded very amature, nor did it suit the game.
The graphics simply appear lazy. The water was nothing more than a flat animated texture, and when looking at it from a distance, it looked terrible. The characters looked pretty good, especially the main character, but everything else just looked rushed.
Overall, this game is pure garbage. If you can get past the awkward controls and ignore the game's obvious faults, it may be fun.. but I didn't have the patience to get that far. I installed and uninstalled it within the same hour.
In short, don't waste your money. It's crap.