9MM is a game that makes all other FPS games obsolete!
Graphics: It has textured crates and walls, realistic lighting and pixel shader 0.01 support, and beer bottles so realistic that it will make you want to scream at the sub-par graphics of the worse-looking Crysis or F.E.A.R.
Story: Official story: They took your badge. They took your uniform. They took your ability to fight crime and better society. There's only one thing you can do now... Get drunk and try to shoot the empty bottles as fast as you can. It's back to the basics with 9MM. Take aim at empty beer bottles and fire away.
If that doesn't sound like a bestselling novel to you I don't know what is!
Sound: Bullets, glass breaking, and wood chipping! You better get ready to crank up your 5.1 Dolby Digital Sound System, or you'll miss out on the experience of a lifetime.
Value: $0.00 or $9.99 depending where on the INTARWEBS you get it from, a game so earthshatteringly amazing and so cheap - what can go wrong?!
Plus a -0.3 for no multiplayer... ohh well. w00t for 9MM 2!!!